These days, it seems there are as many toys on the market for man’s best friend as there are for children! If you can think of a dog accessory or toy, it’s out there, and sometimes at a whopping price tag. If your dog loves to destroy all new toys as soon as they get their paws on them, the cost of keeping your dog entertained can quickly add up.
So, what if you could make your own dog toys quickly, easily, and without spending a large amount of money? We’re pretty sure most doggies don’t know the difference between fancy new toys and those that are homemade! With a little creativity and love, there are endless ways to make new and exciting toys with items you already have at home.

Hide and Seek
Stimulate your dog’s mind with this easy to setup muffin tin game! Hide treats underneath tennis balls and let your pup sniff them out! Like a snuffle mat, this DIY enrichment toy will stimulate your furry friend while encouraging their natural foraging skills.

Box Busters!
Here is a one-time-use toy you can make before recycling empty egg cartons and cereal boxes. Just put a few treats inside and tape the box or carton shut with masking tape. Give the sealed box to your pet and watch them burn energy and have a blast as they rip the box to pieces to find the treats. It can make a big mess, but just sweep up the ripped paper and recycle it!

Puppy Playhouse!
Many small dogs love to play hide-and-seek in cardboard boxes as much as cats do. Take a large box and cut a couple of flaps for doorways. Cut some windows to let light through. You can toss a toy or treat in the box and engage your pet to take part in this fun activity. For quiet time, place an old towel or blanket in the box, and create a cozy space to take a nap.

Frozen Teethers
Dogs love chewing on frozen things. Use an old sock or washcloth and twist it to make two knots. Soak in water, broth or stock and freeze for a couple of hours. Your pup will enjoy chewing on this toy on hot summer days – just make sure you are watching so they don’t ingest any fabric.

T-shirt Tug Toy!
We all have old holey t-shirts clogging up our drawer space. Bring them out to make an easy and fun toy for your furry friend. Take an old tennis ball and wrap a flat section of the t-shirt around it. Cut off the excess fabric and cut the fabric lying around the ball into nine slits. Secure underneath the ball and begin braiding the slits into equal sections. Tie off the ends, and you have yourself a brand-new tug toy!

Chew and Crinkle
Everyone knows dogs love to chew. Puppies instinctively chew when they’re teething. For adult dogs, it relieves boredom and stress and it helps keep their teeth healthy and strong. Instead of the furniture or your leather shoes, give your dog a new chew toy to chomp on. Empty water bottles work well and make a crinkling noise that dogs enjoy. Even better, wrap the bottle in an old t-shirt or stuff it in a sock, to make the toy softer, more durable, and easier to grasp.
Dogs don’t care about labels or prices; they just want to play!
These suggestions are easy to put together. Consider organizing a rainy-day project for the family. Making your own dog toys is a great way to teach kids to be practical, thrifty, and artistic while repurposing unused clothing and items from around the house. Have a great time together and keep your dog happy.
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